New Delhi: On Monday, the Congress demanded to know what Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar was doing in response to the state’s demand for special category status, saying that “he should strike” because he is in a position to do this right now. The opposition party’s comments follow claims made by Bihar ministers that the state’s long-standing desire for more central financial aid was validated by the most recent assessment of NITI Aayog’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) India Index 2023–24.
The SDG India Index 2023-24, an evaluation of the nation’s sustainable development, was announced on July 12 by NITI Aayog. Despite improvements on several metrics, Bihar remains at the bottom of the ranking.
Senior Bihar ministers are now claiming that NITI Aayog’s most recent research supports their desire for special category status in the area of central assistance to the state, according to Congress general secretary in-charge of communications Jairam Ramesh.
“This would mean that instead of 70 percent of such assistance being as a loan, only 10 percent would be,” Ramesh explained.
“However, what is Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar doing in response to this demand, except than making public remarks and approving resolutions at party conferences? In a ‘X’ message, the Congress leader stated, “He has talked and talked and talked without taking any action.”
Additionally, Ramesh stated, “He (Kumar) is able to do it right now. He ought to hit. The same holds true for N Chandrababu Naidu, the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh.”
Senior JD(U) politician and Bihar Water Resources Minister Vijay Kumar Chaudhary commented on NITI Aayog’s most recent SDG Index, saying, “The latest report of Aayog has vindicated our long-standing demand for greater central financial assistance.”
This is the rationale for our requests for special category status (SCS) or a unique package for Bihar, an independent financial management state. However, Bihar is one of the nation’s poorest states.”
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“The state that most need special financial aid from the Centre is Bihar. Bihar’s economy is among the fastest-growing in the nation. In addition to growing steadily, Bihar has outpaced even the most developed states, according to Chaudhary.
JD(U) lawmaker and minister of rural development for Bihar, Shrawan Kumar, had a similar opinion when he stated, “The Central government should announce a special package or special status to Bihar without any delay.” Under the direction of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, the state’s NDA administration is dedicated to Bihar’s entire development.”
Each state and Union Territory’s goal-by-goal ratings for the 16 SDGs are calculated by the SDG India Index. To assess the subnational unit’s overall performance based on its performance across the 16 SDGs, goal-wise results are combined to provide composite scores for each state, union territory, and objective.
These scores go from 0 to 100, and a state or union territory is considered to have met its goals if it receives a score of 100. The farther a state or UT travels to reach its objective, the better its score.
With 293 seats, the NDA won the mandate in the Lok Sabha elections, although the BJP, with 240 seats, was unable to gain a majority. The NDA coalition counts Naidu’s TDP and Nitish Kumar’s JD(U) as important allies.